Standard Business Contracts Larcier

Non-disclosure agreement (unilateral) (p. 251) He is also a substitute judge at the Commercial Court of Brussels, where he also regularly acquires experience in the drafting procedures of commercial contracts. Below you will find some of the content of our publications for review on the Internet. Dirk Deschrijver holds a Master`s degree in Law (University of Antwerp) and a Special Degree in Tax Science (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and a Special Degree in Business Law (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). He is co-author of Standard Business Contracts Third revised and extended edition, with boilerplates (CD-Rom included) Location: LWBIB. L 22.347.74(493) DESC LWBIB. L22.347.74(493) DESC All of the following data is available with an Open Data Commons Open Database license. You are free to copy, distribute and use the database; create works from the database; to modify, transform and build on the database. As long as you associate the records with the source, publish your custom database with an ODbL license and keep the record open (do not use technical measures such as DRM to restrict access to the database).

The recordings are also available as weekly exports. If you know the book but can`t find it on AbeBooks, we can automatically search for it on your behalf when a new inventory is added. If it is added to AbeBooks by one of our member booksellers, we will let you know! This special edition ISBN is currently not available. Marc Taeymans (° Mortsel, 1957), Legal Director at BNP Paribas Fortis in Brussels, has extensive legal expertise and experience in the areas of financial law, contract conclusion and negotiation. Marc holds a law degree from K.U. Leuven and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Virginia in 1981. He also studied at INSEAD (Fontainebleau). He began his career at Linklaters before joining Banque Generale in 1990 as international legal counsel. In addition, he has held various legal positions for the Bank in the areas of corporate finance, private equity and trust & corporate services in Brussels and abroad. He was also an advisor to the political staff of the Flemish Prime Minister and was Deputy for IT Law at KU Leuven and lecturer at the School of Public Administration (Hogeschool) in Ghent. In 2009, he was appointed a judge at the Commercial Court of Antwerp. He is co-author of “Standard Business Contracts under Belgian law” (2009 edition).

He also compiled a compilation of European and Belgian IT legislation under the title “Informaticarecht 2009”. He has been a member of the editorial board of “Computerrecht” since 1991 and has published numerous publications on his name in this field. Selecteer de rechtsgebieden waarin u geïnteresseerd bent. Tenslotte is hij ook lid van de balie te Frankfurt in Duitsland, als geaccrediteerd Rechtsanwalt. {{#if showAllCollectables}} See all the collective editions of this title: {{else}} {{/if}} Arne Gutermann is a lawyer at the Brussels Bar and a partner at Baker & McKenzie. There, he heads the International Trade Agreements Practice Group. This practice group specializes in the negotiation and drafting of contracts and, where appropriate, in the legal process for their interpretation. `); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); = “; setTimeout(function () { setIframeHeight(initialResizeCallback); }, 20); } function getDocHeight(doc) { var contentDiv = doc.getElementById(« iframeContent »); var docHeight = 0; if(contentDiv){ docHeight = Math.max( contentDiv.scrollHeight, contentDiv.offsetHeight, contentDiv.clientHeight ); } return docHeight; } function setIframeHeight(resizeCallback) { var iframeDoc, iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); iframeDoc = ((iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document) || iframe.contentDocument); if (iframeDoc) { var h = getDocHeight(iframeDoc); if (h && h != 0) { = parseInt(h) + `px`; if(typeof resizeCallback == « function ») { resizeCallback(iframeId); } } else if (nTries Road Transport and Delivery Services Agreement (S. 297) We use your data to keep you informed of other relevant publications, training courses and open access content.

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