Public Service Collective Agreement as

There is a sectoral agreement for private healthcare that was finally renegotiated in June 2020 after 12 years. There was then a delay before employers finally ratified the agreement in October, but only after campaigns and strikes by unions. The main salary increase of €154 would amount to 4.2% plus a lump sum of €1000 paid in two stages. The unions say the deal will bring private sector workers into line with those in the public sector. The new agreement includes a wide range of other improvements in terms of working hours, holidays, training where employers contribute to a special fund, social dialogue and measures to combat precarious work and violence in the workplace. (a) a framework agreement containing all common terms and conditions of employment for all workers in the collective bargaining unit or for 2 or more occupational groups in the collective bargaining unit; There are two main agreements that cover the vast majority of public sector workers. Both are usually two-year contracts. The 2.3 million federal and municipal employees extend from September 2020 to December 2022 and project two general wage increases of about 3.2% over this period, but with additional increases for health and welfare personnel (see details below). The agreement for regional government employees runs from January 2019 with a similar overall salary increase, with the final phase scheduled to take place in January 2021. Most public sector employees are subject to wage agreements that are centrally negotiated and not implemented through collective agreements.

The most recent salary increase (2%) was implemented in January 2020 and negotiated in 2018 under a three-year contract. After the last economic crisis, wage and benefit cuts were implemented, and although there has been some recovery, unions continue to push for the reintroduction of certain allowances and benefits. Trade unions, particularly in the State administration, are also concerned that some elements of previous agreements on wages and working conditions have not been fully implemented. The government began negotiations with public sector unions in 2020 not to implement a 4% wage increase (part of an overall 6% increase after a 2% increase in January), which was part of an earlier agreement. She also wanted to block increases in other allowances, including the Christmas bonus. After negotiations, the unions were able to obtain a postponement of the increase and therefore the 4% was due in January 2021 and the other compensation has not yet been negotiated. “Collective Bargaining” or “Collective Bargaining” means 10 (1) Two collective agreements apply to each collective bargaining entity as follows: Party to collective bargaining: UNIFOR Collective Agreement Expiry Date: June 30, 2022 Dispute Resolution Mechanism: Arbitration Body: Federal Government Dockyard Trades and Labour Council (Esquimalt) (West) (FGDTLC(W)) Collective Agreement Expiry Date: January 30, 2023 Dispute Resolution Mechanism: Arbitration The sector also manages the collective bargaining mandate process, develops Bargaining Strategies, and provides interpretations and advice on collective bargaining and collective agreements for human resources departments in departments and agencies in the core public administration. 22 Every party to a collective agreement or an amendment to a collective agreement shall submit a copy to the Minister and the Minister of Labour immediately after it is implemented.

8 (1) If a worker`s collective bargaining officer is certified and there is no collective agreement in place that respects a collective bargaining unit, most public sector workers are still covered by legislation and not by collective agreements, but there are annual wage negotiations that are implemented by law. Negotiations usually take place in the fall, salary increases are made in January or February of the following year. Last year`s collective bargaining ended in November and increased by 2.25% (3.05% for the lowest paid) compared to 1 January 2020. The information on this website refers to public sector employees for whom The Treasury Board is the employer. You can also contact your staff representative or the regional office nearest you to obtain a copy of your collective agreement. A list of all regional offices can be found here. There are multifaceted negotiations at various levels of government – local, regional and federal. Recent developments have been in the health sector with an agreement at the federal level that also covers the private sector. Of the additional €1 billion in federal funding, €500 million will be made available for the introduction of a new remuneration system and the harmonisation of remuneration in the private and public sectors. The unions estimate that this will result in wage increases of 5% to 6%. €400 million will be allocated to additional staff to ensure a better staff-to-patient ratio, and 10% of this amount will help improve training.

€100 million Euros will be allocated to improving working conditions, in particular for open-ended employment contracts and to increasing the working time of part-time workers. There will also be new rights to take three consecutive weeks of annual leave, a right to training in general, but also for workers` representatives and other measures concerning pensions and measures to reduce burnout. (b) Shortening the contractual terms obtained with respect to matters that must be included in a collective agreement under this Act and other matters agreed upon by the parties, and OPSEU represents employees in too many bargaining units to make copies of collective agreements available to individual employers on the Website. If you can`t find your collective agreement on this page, you can view it in our private member area – the members portal. Please log in to the member portal to check if your collective agreement has been published for you. (a) bargaining in good faith for the conclusion of a collective agreement or the renewal or revision of a collective agreement. The agreement for federal and municipal employees provides for a 1.4% wage increase for all employees on April 1, 2021, with another 1.8% increase in April 2022. The agreement runs until 21 December 2022.

The wage increase in 2021 will be supported by a minimum of €50 per month, meaning the lowest-paid workers will see a 2.59% wage increase. In the meantime, from March 2021, healthcare staff will receive an additional payment of €70 per month, which will increase to €120 by 2022. Other payments for health and nurses are an increase in the intensive care allowance from €46.02 to €100 and an increase in the work allowance from €45 to €155. Nurses who work in facilities such as nursing homes will receive a monthly stipend of €25, while doctors will receive an additional €300 from March 2021. For this year, there will be a COVID-19 bonus payment of €600 for lower salary groups (1-8), €400 for averages (9-12) and €300 for peak salary (13-15). The weekly working hours of workers in the East will be reduced by 30 minutes in 2022 and by an additional 30 minutes on 1 January 2023 in order to finally bring them into line with workers in the Western regions. There is a similar change for hospital employees, but with an additional 30-minute reduction in 2025 to align with the 38.5-hour week in the West. Biennial cross-sectoral negotiations on the private sector are relevant to many public services. In recent negotiations, employers did not want to deviate from the 0.4% in addition to the compensation against inflation. However, there has been an increase in the national minimum wage from EUR 1625.72 to EUR 1702 in April 2022, with further increases planned for 2024 and 2026.

(b) if they are not appointed, if they are civil servants or agents of the Government in the performance of their duties, or if they are directly or indirectly responsible to the Government for the proper performance of their duties; The two main public sector agreements concern the public sector and local and regional authorities, including health care. Current three-year contracts run from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024. The total packages for the state and municipal sectors have a value of about 6.75%, but are distributed differently. In the municipal sector, the wage component includes an overall increase of 5.02% over the three years, but with additional payments for the lowest and to close the gender pay gap. In the public sector, the wage component is a wage increase of 4.42%, paid in six stages over the three years in April and October of each year […].